Title: Geological Map of the western part of the Kyrgyz Range.

Start: 04.04.2003

Finish: 30.06.2006

Kyrgyz co-applicant Dr. Apayarov Farid
Northern-Kyrgyzian Geological
Expedition of State Agency on
Geology and Mineral Resources
e-mail: apayarovmail.ru

Kazakh co-applicant: Eugene Mamonov
Association of geological enterprises
26, Emtsova str.
e-mail: mapgeolmail.ru

The project is financed by the state budgets of the Kyrgyz Republic and Kazakhstan Republic on the basis of the Agreement in 2002 between the Committee of Geology and Conservation of Mineral Resources under the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Kazakhstan Republic and the State Agency on Geology and Mineral Resources under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic. The purpose of the joint work is a research of geological structure and determination of mechanism of mineral deposits location in the transboundary territory.

ETHZ 2003-2019, Alexander Mikolaichuk 2020.