Title: | Digital Geological Map of the Transition Zone between the Kyrgyz range and the Chu basin |
Start: | 01.10.2001 |
Finish: | 31.03.2004 |
Principal Applicant: |
Professor Jean-Pierre Burg Geologisches Institut Departement Erdwissenschaften ETH-Zentrum Strukturgeologie Leonhardstrasse, 19 /LEB CH-8092 Zurich Switzerland e-mail: jean-pierre.burgerdw.ethz.ch |
Co-applicant: |
Dr. Apayarov Farid Northern-Kyrgyzian Geological Expedition of State Agency on Geology and Mineral Resources Ivanovka Kyrgyzstan 722221 e-mail: apayarovmail.ru |
Co-applicant: |
Dr. Mikolaichuk Alexandr Central Asia Geological-Geophysical Association (CAGGA) 30 Erkindyk av Bishkek Kyrgyzstan 720481 e-mail: mikolaichukmail.ru |